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By:Mia Capranica

I think dance is fun because I get to spend time with all my friends and I get to compete. I go to dance everyday and practice all my dances. I do Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop, Turns & Leaps, Tumbling, and I help teach too. We go to competitions and compete against other dance studios. My studio is called Kinner & Co. and its so fun we play dance related games, and sometimes we play with a parachute before dance starts.

When it comes close to competition season we practice non-stop. We usually don't practice on Sunday. But when we have competitions we have Sunday rehearsals all day. We also have a company team and they go to competitions but don't compete. They can go watch us compete and then some of the competitions have conventions. They bring in guest choreographers and teach us combinations and then we can win scholarships and get a full ride to Washington. When I grow up and go to college I don't think I'd do dance just because I want to try and focus on my grades and maybe get into some groups like a sorority.

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