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Conspiracy Theories By: KATELYN TRUESDALE

Have you ever noticed something that seemed weird and you thought was one thing but it was another thing? That's a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories are theories that explains an event or set of circumstances, as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. So there are lots of different conspiracy's like how the JFK assassination was faked, the moon lading was fake, and the 9/11 theory. So why are people questioning these theories? Common assumptions believe that conspiracy theories have been more widespread throughout human history. People illustrate historical incidents like power structures, norms of conduct, or even the existence of specific people or groups into questions. Some people believe these theories and some people don't. Also people say that these theories follow a deep and meaningful pattern. It is widely argued that the coming of the internet has been the main force behind the spread of these theories, and that comprise trust in political systems even causing people increasing to question the fundamentals of our democracy. So do you believe in conspiracy theories?

JFK Assassination:

JFK was one of the most loved presidents in history. So why did he plan his own death? People say that the government was mostly apart of his assassination. They say that Oswald wasn't the only one who fired at Kennedy. Some say that it might be a guy named Ron. They believe this because he told a reporter that ‘somebody from his own team… had fired on the President’. The man, who was dying of cancer, said he had only ever told his son but wanted to reveal what he knew before passing away.

Moon Landing Fake:

They say that the moon landing was faked so that the US could beat Russia in

the race. In the pictures of the moon landing it looks like they photoshopped the images or even drew them. Some of the reasons people think that the moon landing was faked was because there are no stars in the pictures, in the rocks have stage numbers on them, the flag is moving when there is no wind or atmosphere on the moon, in pictures of the astronauts there are lights from a set in the reflection, in the background it looks exactly the same even when they move, and in one of the pictures it looks like they are standing on the edge of the moon and the moon is very small when that is impossible.

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