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Competitive Cheerleading BY: Bailey Johnson

Competitive Cheerleading is a sport when teams around the world have 2 and a half minute routine that has to include two partner stunts, jumps, running and standing tumbling, a pyramid, and a dance section. For the cheerleader, they have to wear a uniform, make-up, a bow (with your hair up), cheer shoes, and white socks. Competitive cheerleading is the most dangerous sport in our age group.


Stunting is an action of holding a person or persons up in the air. In a normal stunt, their is a back-spot, two bases (primary and secondary), a flyer, and sometimes a front-spot. The bases holds the feet, the front and back spots supports the knees and back, and the flyers are the ones who get thrown up in the air. Towards the end, heir is something called a pyramid where are the stunts join together.


Tumbling is doing flips and stunts as an individual in order to get points. Tumbling is a separate sport, but is incorporated in cheer as well.

There is different tumbling skills for different cheer teams. If you are on a Level 2, you

can't do level 3 skills, or you will lose points. Some tumbling skills are a round-off, back-handspring, tuck, a full, and many more skills. There is standing tumbling and running tumbling.


Competitive cheer landing also features jumps, which they jump do specific jumps.

For good jumps, being hyper-extended is very helpful. You only have to have one jump sequence throughout a cheer routine, but coaches will most likely add a jump in between tumbling. Some jumps for the cheer world is a pike jump, hurdlers, hurkeys, toe-touches, and a tuck jump.


The dance section is basically where cheerleaders just dance, but they have to do it super clean.

Cheerleaders get to express themselves with complicated dance moves to impress the judges. This is the 2nd to last part of the routine. The dance starts where everybody rushes into place, then they have to hit the end sharp and strong.

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