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Cao Cao by Anthony Hull

Early Life

曹操 or Cao Cao (from now on referred to as CC) was born in 155 AD in Qiao present day Bozhou, Anhui country Pei state in the Han empire courtesy name Mengde. CC was a Chinese warlord and the penultimate Chancellor of the Eastern Han dynasty who rose to great power in the final years of the dynasty. As one of the central figures of the Three Kingdoms period, he laid the foundations for what was to become the state of Cao Wei and ultimately the Jin dynasty, and was posthumously honored as "Emperor Wu of Wei". He is often portrayed as a cruel and merciless tyrant in subsequent literature; however, he has also been praised as a brilliant ruler and military genius who treated his subordinates like his family.

During the fall of the eastern Han dynasty CC was able to secure the most populated and prosperous cities of the central plains and northern China. Cao Cao had much success as the Han chancellor, but his handling of the Han Emperor Xian was heavily criticized and resulted in a continued and then escalated civil war. Opposition directly gathered around warlords Liu Bei and Sun Quan, whom cc was unable to quell cao was also skilled in poetry calligraphy and martial arts and wrote many war journals His father Cao Song was a foster son of Cao Teng, who in turn was one of the favourite eunuchs of Emperor Huan. Some historical records, including the Biography of Cao Man, claim that Cao Song's original family name was Xiahou. However, recent studies show that these records are wrong.

Cc was known for his craftiness as an adolescent. According to the Biography of Cao Man, cc's uncle complained to Cao Song about Cc's indulgence in hunting and music with Yuan Shao. In retaliation, Cc feigned a fit before his uncle, who immediately rushed to inform Cao Song. When Cao Song went to see his son, Cc behaved normally. When asked, Cc replied, "I have never had a fit, but I lost the love of my uncle, and therefore he deceived you." Afterwards, Cao Song ceased to believe his brother regarding Cc, and thus Cc became even more blatant and insistent in his wayward pursuits.

At that time, there was a man named Xu Shao who lived in Runan and was famous for his ability to evaluate a person's potentials and talents. Cao Cao paid him a visit in hopes of receiving an evaluation that would help him politically. At first, Xu Shao refused to make a statement; however, under persistent questioning, he finally said, "You would be a capable minister in peaceful times and an unscrupulous hero in chaotic times. Cao Cao laughed and left. There are two other versions of this comment in other unofficial historical records At the age of 20, Cao Cao was appointed district captain of Luoyang. Upon taking up the post, he placed rows of multicolored stakes outside his office and ordered his deputies to flog those who violated the law, regardless of their status. An uncle of Jian Shuo, one of the most powerful and influential eunuchs under Emperor Ling, was caught walking in the city after the evening curfew by Cao Cao's men and was flogged. This prompted Jian Shuo and other higher authorities to ostensibly promote Cao Cao to the post of governor of Dunqiu County while actually moving him out of the imperial capital. Cao Cao remained in this position for little more than a year, being dismissed from office in 178 for his distant family ties with the disgraced Empress Song. Around 180,

Cao Cao returned to court as a Consultant (議郎) and presented two memoranda against the eunuchs' influence in court and government corruption during his tenure, to limited effect. When the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out in 184, Cao Cao was recalled to Luoyang and appointed Captain of the Cavalry (騎都尉) and sent to Yingchuan in Yu Province to suppress the rebels. He was successful and was sent to Ji'nan (濟南) as Chancellor (相) to prevent the spread of Yellow Turban influence there. In Ji'nan, Cc aggressively enforced the ban on unorthodox cults, destroyed shrines, and supported state Confucianism. He offended the local leading families in the process, and resigned on grounds of poor health around 187, fearing that he had put his family in danger.[5] He was offered the post of Administrator of Dong Commander (東郡), but he declined and returned to his home in Pei County. Around that time, Wang Fen (王芬) tried to recruit Cc to join his coup to replace Emperor Ling with the Marquis of Hefei, but cc refused. The plot came to nothing, and Wang Fen killed himself. In 220, Cc died in Luoyang at the age of 65, of a head disease from commending his army though a swamp after having failed to unify China under his rule. His will instructed that he be buried near Ximen Bao's tomb in Ye without gold and jade treasures, and that his subjects on duty at the frontier were to stay in their posts and not attend the funeral as, in his own words, "the country is still unstable".

Cc's eldest surviving son Cao Pi succeeded him. Within a year, Cao Pi forced Emperor Xian to abdicate and proclaimed himself the first emperor of the state of Cao Wei. Cc was then titled "Grand Ancestor Emperor Wu of Wei" (魏太祖武皇帝) and fun fact he had he had 21 wives and 32 children here are the kids names Empress Wuxuan, Cao Ang, cao pi, Cao Zhang ,Cao Zhi, Cao Xiong, Cao Shuo, Cao Chong, Cao Ju, Cao Yu, Cao Lin, Cao Gun, Cao Xuan, Cao Jun, Cao Ju, Cao Gan, Cao Shang, Cao Biao, Cao Qin, Cao Cheng, Cao Zheng, Cao Jing, Cao Jun, Cao Ji, Cao Hui, Cao Mao, Cao Xian, Cao Jie, Cao Hua, Princess Anyang, Princess Jin, Princess Qinghe,

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