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Baseball is the Best Sport By: Bradley Armstrong

Baseball is the greatest sport ever invented. Baseball was invented in the year of 1839. Since then, the game has been growing in population and still is growing. As stated in the text, "Baseball is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Currently, more than 3 million children play only in the US And about 10 million around the world!" As you can see many people play the game of baseball. For so many people to play baseball, they must love the game. Also stated in the text, "Little League started in 1939 as a sport that younger children could play and enjoy. In 2013, Little League teams can be found throughout the United States and around the world." As you can see baseball is still growing even though it is an old sport. So, baseball is the greatest sport ever invented because a lot of people play the sport. When I was three years old I started playing t-ball. As I got older I just kept going up until I got to normal baseball when I was 5 years old. I also play basketball and bowling. Out of all of the sports I have ever played I liked baseball the most. Baseball is the best sport ever invented.

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