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APEX LEGENDS By: Brayden Kelley

I think that Apex legends is a good game. I think this because it has no fall damage, you can climb up to places but only for three seconds. The way you win is to be the last to survive and they way you die is by loosing all your health and your shield. There is a sand storm in the game instead of a lightning storm that makes you take health damage. Each skin has its own ability. For example Blood Hound can track people. The Pathfinder can place zip lines. Lifeline can place a drone to heal herself and others. Gibraltar can place down a giant shield. Bangalore can throw smoke grenades. Wraith can place portals to teleport others and herself. There are also two skins that you can buy for in-game currency called Mirage and Caustic. They both have special powers too. Mirage can clone himself and Caustic and throw a poison gas that only he can see through.

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