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Anime is Not For Kids BY: TYCE

Anime is not for kids. The reason I say this is because some anime is too violent for younger viewers. If you look above you will see a scene from one of my favorite anime's Hellsing: this anime is rated T.V MA which means it is for a mature viewers. There are other anime's that are like this like Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, Attack on Titan, and more. All of these animes are rated T.V MA but people keep saying anime is for kids but its not. But there are animes that are for kids but not all of it is for kids, but this doesn't mean kids shouldn't watch anime they should if they want to but it should be something they can watch. For me, I like darker themed anime and gory anime but some people may not like that.

Some people think that anime is bad for you but its not its a art form its like saying painting is bad for you,anime has helped me with a lot of stuff in my life and has let me meet a lot of new people and with cosplaying it can help people with social anxiety because they can be themselves and not get weird looks from people

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