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All About Penguins By: Brooklyn Howard

A penguin is a carnivore they find all their food in the sea. Penguins eat fish, squid, and crustaceans. Penguins are very intelligent, penguins excel at puzzles and word puzzles! All penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. A penguin cannot fly. A penguins color can be black, gold, and white. When penguins are hunting for food they ingest a lot of sea water. An Emperor penguin weighs 51 pounds, a Galapagos 5.5 pounds, and a Little penguin 3.3 pounds. A penguin has been around for about 50 million years. An Emperor penguin is 3.6-4.3 feet tall, a Galapagos penguin is 19 – 21 inches, and a Little penguin is 12 – 14 inches. Penguins get very, very cold but they do not freeze. A penguins life span ranges from 6 years to 20 years out in the wild. Penguins have a more feathers than any bird. They have 80 feathers per square inch. Penguins moult once a year meaning they lose all their feathers once a year. Penguins are very very vocal meaning related to the human voice. The biggest penguin species is the Emperor penguin. Penguins can never get a deep sleep because of there fear of predators. Penguins sleep either standing up or lying on their bellies. Penguins had lost their ability to fly millions of years ago. he penguins huddle together in a big circle "pile" to stay warm.

A penguin is a great animal because penguins are usually not afraid of humans. They are also very vocal. The fastest species of a penguin is the Gentoo penguin. The only penguin species that gets to the north of the equator is the Galapagos penguin species. Emperor penguins can stay underwater to about 20 minutes long. Believe it or not penguins pant to stay cool.

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