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All About Owls By: Abby Judd

Owls are much like other birds in my opinion. There are 200 species of owls. Some owls hunt for fish. Not all owls eat fish. Most owls hunt and eat insects, small mammals, and other birds. Owls have a flat face and large eyes. They have a large broad head and binocular vision. Their scientific name is Strigiformes. Owls can turn their heads like almost all the way around. Owls have super power hearing they can literally hear a beetle running through the grass 100 feet away. Not all species of the owl hoot. Barn owls make hissing sounds. Owl's lower classifications are the barn owls, southern white faced owls, true owl, eostrix owl, and the Sophiornithidae owl. Owl's are good at hiding because their fur looks like camouflage. When an owl flies they are usually quiet unlike other birds. All owl's fly at different paces.

A mother owl can lay up to 2-7 eggs. They hatch 3-4 weeks later. An owl group is called a parliament. You can find owls in every continent except Antarctica. In the the United States there are only 19 species. An owl only has 3 eyelids.

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