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All About Mud Puppies:By Reese Weigler

A mud-puppy is a large aquatic salamander of the eastern US it is normally a brownish color and it has feathery gills. On average mud puppies are thirty three cm long at adult length. Also a cool fact is their lengths depend on how much oxygen they get. The normally live on average eleven years! They reach the adult stage at five years old.

They live in central North America. They live at the bottom of freshwater streams, ponds, and lakes and need plenty of cover from submerged rocks,and logs. They don't leave the water normally but they do come out of the water at night if their water they are currently living in in murky or foggy water. It is sometimes hard for them to catch prey because their teeth are very small. And they are just like a long set/bar of teeth instead of many.

Some people can catch or see these types of organisms while fishing. Also believe it or not but unlike other salamanders, mud puppy does not have poison in its skin that can be used against the predators. Instead, mud puppy needs to hide in the case of danger. They hide in dams, logs, and under large rocks. Also mud puppies has poorly developed eyesight. It is able to detect prey by using well developed sense of smell.

As you can see this is all about mud puppies.

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