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All About Monkeys BY: Katelyn Furman

Monkey is a common name that may refer to groups of mammals. According to "Monkeys live in trees, grasslands, mountains, forests, and on high plains." A group of monkeys are called a troop. There are many different types of monkeys. Some Types of monkeys are Golden lion Tamarin, Bald Uakari, Hamadryas Baboon. Most monkeys look different. A baboon is an example of an Old World monkey. According to Monkey Facts and Information, "Monkeys use leafs to scoop water so they can drink water." A chimpanzees have a bigger brain than other monkeys. They are believed to be smarter than other primates like apes and lemurs. Monkey Facts and Information also states "Monkeys are most easily distinguished from apes by their tails." Monkeys are omnivores. Monkey Facts and Information say "They eat meat and plant based foods, nuts, fruits, seeds, and flowers. Different monkey species eat a variety of foods, such as fruit, insects, flowers, leaves and reptiles." Old World monkeys fill up their large cheek pouches with fruits, leaves, and insects as they forage during the day. Monkeys can climb very well because they have long legs and arms that are flexible so that they can climb with them.

Information from: Monkey Facts and Information

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