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All About Me | Jack Romanotto

Hello! My name is Jack Romanotto, and I was born on March 12, 2006 during two tornadoes. I have a little brother (Vinnie, 11) and a older sister (Anna, 15). I play baseball (I'm a Cardinals Fan), ride my bike a lot, and have good grades while also being in advanced math, but I've had cancer. I was diagnosed with cancer on February 14, 2017 it "Ewing Sarcoma" in my right foot, next to an important joint with it being the size of a

golf ball and hurting really bad where i'd either be crying at night trying to go to sleep, or not wanting to get out of bed or walk on it all in the morning. Getting treatments was even more frightening because I would through up A LOT, like sometime it would every 5 mins and having to stay in hospitals all of the time was just depressing, and I could tell my mom and dad were sad seeing me go through it. But, enough with the sad stories because

here's what cheers me up all the time, being on a computer/ playing video games, I love to mess with computers and help people with them, especially my grandparents.

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