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All About Me By:Marissa Johnson

Hi my name is Marissa Johnson. I'm 13 years old and I love my school. I love basketball and volleyball. I have straight A's and I have 3 sisters all younger than me. I have a mom and dad there names are Christanna and Noah. I have a cat named max. I also have lots of friends that I hang out with. My best friend is Reese and we have been best friends forever and do everything together. When I am down Reese helps me when I need help she helps me. She is the best friend I could ever ask for. If you meet Reese then you are really lucky cause she has the most kind heart and will always have she never puts people down she just helps them up.When I grow up I have one job in mind and also when I get money I am going to donate to people who need it and need help and food, clothing ext. This is some of my life and it is amazing if I could I would help have everyone have an amazing life and get rid of drugs and bad things that hurt you and have all bad things that impact you gone so the world would be a better place.

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