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All About Mary Todd Lincoln By: Marissa Johnson

Mary was born December 13, 1818 in Lexington, Kentucky with her mom (Eliza Parker Todd), dad (Robert Smith Todd), and her 16 siblings. She was the 4th child out of all her siblings. Mary studied at a local academy then attended boarding school. Then she left her home to go live with her sister Elizabeth in Springfield Illinois.

Mary first meet Abraham Lincoln when she was in Springfield. Then a little after they married on November 4, 1842. They had four kids which were all boys.

The son that died first was Edward on February 1, 1850 at the age of 4. Next, William died February 20, 1862 at the age of 11. Then, Tad died July 15, 1871 at the age of 18. Mary and Abraham were so sad that their children died. Then Abraham got shot in at a movie on April 15, 1865.

Then, Mary died July 16, 1882. Then, Robert lived on tell the age of 82. There is some information on Mary Todd Lincoln.

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