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All About Koala's By:Marissa Johnson

When a Koala is born it is actually called a Joey. When they are born they are as small as a jellybean! Right when a Koala is born it crawls back into the mothers pouch for about 6 months. Koala's eat about 200 to 500 grams of leaves each day. They also normally stay in trees.

They have predators some of them are goannas dingoes, powerful owls, wedge-tailed eagles, and pythons.

There are only one species of Koalas but, they do have different colors of Koalas.

Koalas get 22 hours of sleep a day that is more then what humans get. Also Koalas are not endangered as of now but, in a few years Koalas might become endangered. Koalas are not aggressive en less they feel threatened. Koalas do not liked being touched by anyone. Koalas are actually one of the most dumbest animals, if you put some eucalyptus leafs in front of them they wouldn't eat them. Koalas are actually not even a bear even though most people call them a Koala "bear". That is what i know about Koalas so far i am trying to learn more about them.

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