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All About Horses By: Brooklyn Howard

In my opinion, horse's are very beautiful. Horses eat grass and hay at meal time at snack time they eat fruits and vegetables. Horse's will tend to drink a lot of water with their meals. A horses life span is from 25 to 30 years (depending the type of breed). Horse's are many different colors White, Black, Brown, Gray, Mixed with colors, like a Whitish Pinkish color, etc. Their are a lot of different breeds of a horse. The most common breed is an American Quarter Horse. Horse's can sleep standing and laying down. A horse has around 205 bones in their bodies. A male name for a horse is stallion. For a female name you could say mare. Their are around 60 million horse's in the world (WOW)! Horse's are plant eaters aka herbivores. After a horse gives birth she can run just a few hours after. A regular horse can run about 27 miles per hour. Horse's can run 13 to 19 kilometers per hour. Horse's love eating sweet flowers. Horse's drink about 25 gallons of water a day. They drink more water then that in hotter areas. A horse with pink skin can get a sunburn. A horse's brain is 22 ounces just half of a human's brain. Horse's have different facial expressions to express their moods. You can tell if your horse is feeling sick by seeing if the back of its ear is cold. Except you don't have to worry about your horse vomiting because a horse cannot vomit.

Horses have very very good senses. A horse can ear sounds as far as 4 km away. A horse can see at about 360 degrees. Sometimes you will see a horse ¨laughing¨ or ¨smiling¨ in a picture but they are doing that to help them smell better! Horses are not color blind but they do however basically only see blue and green colors. Horses will most likely react to the colors yellow, white, black, and blue. You can also keep a horse as a pet. A horse sleeps about 2.9 hours. Horses are good at remembering a humans mood or facial expressions and stuff like that. Horses are most comfortable with a temperature of 18° and 59° F. Also I would be mean to a horse if I were you because they can put you in a lot of pain. Horses cannot breathe through their mouths. You can call a baby horse a foal. Horses won´t really recognize their owners voices though. They will have to see your face to actually know who you are.

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