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All About Elephants By:Marissa Johnson

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

There are three types of elephant spices. African bush elephants weigh 13,000 lbs, Asian elephants weigh 12,000 lbs, and African forest elephants weigh 6,000 lbs.

When an elephant has a baby the baby weighs 200 pounds. When it comes to African elephants they don't protect their young by there self they have other females to help them. Elephant baby's get nursed by their mothers milk. Also elephants are very intelligent animals. They are very intelligent animals because it is said that African elephant can identify languages by the humans voice and can tell if they are there to cause harm.

Elephants are mostly harmful when they feel threatened. Elephants are also vegetarians so you will most likely see them with grass in there mouth. Elephants normally live until they're 60-70 but Asian elephants live for 48 years. Elephants normally get hunted for their tusk, skin, and meet.

Elephants stay in groups with males in the front of the group to protect the mothers and kids. There are many ways to tell the type of elephant they are by their tusk, backs, ears, head, trunk, and size. Elephants have really good memory and scientists have proven that a female elephants remembered a drought that was 30 years ago. That is only some of the stuff that I have found about elephants.

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