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_- Eliana Kleinkort -_

- Hey! I'm Eliana but you already knew that. My name until 3rd grade has been Lani and some teachers still call me that, honestly I don't mind! One of my favorite animals is a small mouse like animal called a Bandicoot, which is shown below.

As you've most likely noticed for the first day I walked through the door I love to draw just about anything living from plants, to animals, and sometimes even humans if I feel the need to improve on drawing them. My inspiration for my art is my sister, Leah! She made the art below for one of her songs that she made on Youtube, and I can't help but look up to her like the older sister she is!

My favorite singer has to be Shiloh Dynasty due to the fact that the singer is easy to listen to while I'm drawing without me getting distracted away from the drawing at hand. My favorite song from him has to be "Bad Idea" and/or "Wild".

And lastly, my favorite person in the whole world! The person isn't actually a human, it's my dog, Wolfy, Onyx, and Mimi!

This is an actual picture of my dog, Wolfy! He's currently 9 years old and this was when he was about 6 and he got his first teddy bear cut! <3

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